![]() MSK Rules & PoliciesMakeup PolicyPlayers must call out at least 24 hours in advance to receive a makeup for all sports classes. Players who have makeups may use them in the current season (space permitting) ONLY. Players must let MSK know in advance when they are going to use their makeup. No walk-ins for makeups. League SchedulingMSK will make every effort to meet your scheduling requests. All scheduling requests must be made in writing and submitted via email before the start of the league. Be very specific in your requests, and do not assume MSK will not schedule games on certain days. If MSK is open, games may be scheduled. For example, if you do not want to play during Spring Break, or over a holiday weekend, etc, please include that in your requests BEFORE the season starts. Once the schedule is posted, all games are FINAL and cannot be changed for any reason. Refunds/CreditsMSK has a NO REFUND/CREDIT POLICY. MSK is not responsible for providing makeups or issuing refunds or credits for teams, leagues, games, practices, camps, clinics, etc missed as a result of any type of injury, illness, scheduling conflict, emergency, lack of playing time, or any other event out of the control of MSK. If MSK cancels a program or is unable to place you on a team, you will receive a refund. This policy is to ensure fairness for all customers. Each program and team is specifically designed for a certain number of players. By registering and paying for the team, you are locking in your spot. Once the team fills, other players will be turned away. Each team has a budget that is used to pay for the team's expenses (uniforms, coaches, gym time, ref fees, etc). Providing refunds/credits would cause a shortfall in the team budget, which is why the policy is absolutely no refunds or credits for any reason. Website & EmailMSK relies almost exclusively on the website and email to communicate with customers. All schedules are published on the website, and an email will be sent to all coaches as soon as a schedule is published. However, it is possible that email addresses get mistyped or emails get filtered to junk so it is the responsibility of each team and player to continuously check the website for schedule updates, especially at the beginning of a season. No refunds, credits, makeups or rescheduling will be given because you didn't see your email or weren't aware of a game or practice, as long as it is posted at least 1 week in advance. WaiverIt is understood and agreed to by all players, coaches, spectators, and referees participating in MultiSports Kingdom, and MidJersey Basketball League (MJBL) in all sports programs (clinics, leagues, teams, etc) that MSK and MJBL are not liable and not responsible for any bodily injury sustained by any player, coach, spectator, or referee. Every participant, player, coach, and referee acknowledge and agree that he or she is physically able to participate and do not have any disease, physical impairment, disability, mental restrictions, or other reason that he or she cannot participate. Furthermore, MSK is not responsible for any personal property which is lost, damaged or stolen. Promotional Photos & VideosBy registering for any MSK league, tournament, clinic, camp or other activity, you are acknowledging that we may use photos and/or videos for promotional materials. The photos or videos will be strictly for MSK purposes only and will never be sold or rented to any other party. Policy for Booking Courts & Turf Court Time will not be reserved without full payment or the appropriate non-refundable deposit (when applicable). A credit card number can be used to hold the reservation. There are NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS if the reservation is canceled within 7 days of the court time. If you cancel or can't make it and do not let us know within 7 days of the court time, you will still be charged. Code of Conduct All coaches, players, parents and spectators shall conduct themselves in an orderly and professional manner. Everyone shall show respect and good sportsmanship toward players, coaches, spectators, officials and MJBL staff at all times. Physically assaulting, punching, verbally abusing, cursing, derogatory comments and/or threatening any player, coach, official, parent, spectator or MJBL staff is strictly prohibited. Any individual violating the Code of Conduct are subject to penalties:
- If a player or coach gets 2 technical fouls, an automatic ejection from the game and automatic suspension for the next game (& possibly more). - If a parent or fan steps on the court to challenge a referee, player or coach, that individual will be ejected from the gym and automatic suspension for the next game (& possibly more).
- If a punch is thrown, an automatic ejection from the game and minimum 3 game suspension.
ALL DECISIONS OF THE MONROE SPORTS CENTER & CENTRAL JERSEY BASKETBALL MANAGEMENT ARE FINAL & CANNOT BE APPEALED. There will be NO refund or credit for any missed games due to suspension. It is the responsibility of each team Manager(s) and/or Head Coach to review the Code of Conduct with their players & parents prior to the start of the season. Call 732-792-9900 or email info@multisportkingdom.com for more information |
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