Player Development Program

Spring/Summer 2022 Season

The CJ Hawks Player Development Program (PDP) is an elite level basketball training program led by MSC Basketball Director John Paul Duphiney, available exclusively to CJ Hawks players at all age groups.  The purpose of the CJ Hawks PDP is to focus on each player to help develop their individual basketball skills and overall understanding of the game.

Highlights of the CJ Hawks PDP

  • Shooting Mechanics - Off Catch & Off Dribble
  • Man to Man Defensive Principles
  • Speed, Conditioning, Agility, Stretching & Strength
  • Ball Screens A-Z
  • Footwork
  • Game Condition Dribbling & Ball Handling
  • Offensive Finishing Moves Attacking Rim
  • Weak Hand Development
  • Post Moves
  • Mental Approach – Attitude, Effort & Energy.  Handling Success & Failure
  • Provide players with information to create personalized workouts


  • There will be 2 PDP sessions per week throught the entire Spring/Summer 2020 season, beginning Sun Apr 10 and ending Sun Aug 28 (20 weeks). 
  • As part of the CJ Hawks Spring/Summer season package, players may choose up to 20 total sessions at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE
  • The complete schedule of PDP sessions is listed below and players will be asked to pre-register for specific sessions when they accept their selection to the CJH team. 

​Important Note: These PDP sessions will have a combination of players from different grades. Sessions will be structured to help each individual player, no matter who is training with them.  PDP sessions will have competitive portions to reinforce training techniques.


CJ Hawks Players may register online for as many PDP sessions as you'd like by clicking the link below.  You do not have to register for all sessions at once and you can click the link below at any time to add sessions.  If you would like to change a session that you have already registered for, please call the MSC desk at 609-426-4000 or email basketball@multisportskingdom.com. 


Stay in touch and visit us on:       

CJ Hawks PDP Schedule