2024-2025 Season
Oct 2024-June 2025
-all High School players
will be in their
own league Saturday nights
from 9pm-10:30pm*
Welcome to the Monroe Sports Center Junior Team Tennis League! Our league offers players a friendly, yet competitive, format for junior tennis players where the main focus is on teamwork and player development. It provides players of all ages and skill levels an easy, fun and competitive option to play more tennis matches year round. The concept of team tennis emphasizes fun, competitive team play, team spirit, sportsmanship and love of the game. Cheering and team spirit is encouraged!
2024-2025 JTT Evaluations
Monroe Sports Center
Saturday October 5th, 2024
*For only NEW Players*
returning players do not need to attend evals
Season Starts October 19th 2024 Every player at the Evaluations will be placed onto a Junior Tennis Team! **Current & Previous Junior Team Tennis players do NOT need to try out again and can Register Below to renew their spots for the 2024-2025 Season.
JTT Details:
JTT Q&A: Q: Who can play MSC Junior Team Tennis? A: Any junior from 6-18 years old is eligible for participation. We welcome players from all skill levels, beginner to advanced. However, players must be able to serve and rally. Q: What constitutes a team? A: Teams are co-ed and will consist of between 6-9 players per team. Players are grouped by skill level. Q: What format do teams play? A: Team matches will consist of three "best of 7" sets per match. There will be 11 matches per season plus one tournament, and each player will play a mix of Singles and Doubles. Q: How do I qualify for the JTT District Championships at MSC? All Junior Team Tennis Players will QUALIFY for the District Tournamnet which will be held at Monroe Sports Center. The Top 4 Teams from Districts will advance to the Sectional Tournament, which will be held on a different day and time but hosted at Monroe Sports Center. Q: How many matches must I play during the JTT season to be eligible for the District Championships? A: Each player must play in 75% of the regular season JTT matches to be eligible for the JTT District Championships. Q: When and where are the Disctrict Championships? A: The District Championships are in June 2025 at Monroe Sports Center. Q: Who do I contact regarding MSC Junior Team Tennis League questions? A: You can either contact MSC at 609-426-4000 or email our League Coordinator - Sean Tavel at SeanTavel@MultiSportsKingdom.com. Pricing:$349 for 11 matches plus 1 Tournament (multiple Matches) MSC Junior Membership - $55 (membership expires one year from purchase date) *All players are required to be a MSC Junior Member to play on a team Subs: $30/match ***REGISTER ONLINE***