MSK Women's Basketball League Winter 2024-25 Season


For more information and to register for our Spring 2024 Season, click here


Gym Locations

MSK Monroe

(formerly MSC)

4 Farrington Blvd
Monroe, NJ 08831

MSK Marlboro

(formerly CJB)

2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ 07746

MSK Manalapan

(formerly Sportika)

150 Woodward Rd

Manalapan, NJ


Winter 2024-25 Schedule

Day Date Time Location
Thu Jan 2 9:05 PM Alyssas Team (36) vs Kristens Team (34) MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Thu Jan 16 7:05 PM Toon Squad (66) vs Alyssas Team (38) MSK Marlboro Court 2
(formerly CJB)
Thu Jan 16 9:05 PM Kristens Team (50) vs Sparks (43) MSK_Manalapan Court 1
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Thu Jan 23 8:05 PM Sparks (49) vs Alyssas Team (48) MSK Monroe Yellow
(formerly MSC)
4 Farrington Blvd
Monroe, NJ
Thu Jan 23 8:20 PM forfeit vs Kristens Team MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Thu Jan 30 9:05 PM Sparks (31) vs Toon Squad (63) MSK_Manalapan Court 1
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Sun Feb 2 8:25 PM Washed Shooters (98) vs Sparks (25) MSK_Manalapan Court 2
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Thu Feb 6 9:05 PM Kristens Team (49) vs Alyssas Team (44) MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Thu Feb 13 9:05 PM Toon Squad (44) vs Washed Shooters (46) MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Thu Feb 20 9:05 PM Toon Squad (76) vs Alyssas Team (39) MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Mon Feb 24 8:35 PM Toon Squad (43) vs Washed Shooters (64) MSK Manalapan Court 7
(formerly Sportika)
Wed Feb 26 9:05 PM Washed Shooters (49) vs Alyssas Team (44) MSK_Manalapan Court 1
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Thu Feb 27 9:05 PM Washed Shooters (102) vs Kristens Team (36) MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Thu Mar 6 9:05 PM Sparks (39) vs Toon Squad (100) MSK_Manalapan Court 1
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Wed Mar 12 8:05 PM Sparks (48) vs Kristens Team (56) MSK_Manalapan Court 1
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Wed Mar 12 9:05 PM Washed Shooters (53) vs Alyssas Team (48) MSK_Manalapan Court 1
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Thu Mar 20 8:35 PM Toon Squad (56) vs Alyssas Team (28) MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Thu Mar 20 9:25 PM Sparks (56) vs Kristens Team (43) MSK Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Thu Mar 20 9:25 PM Washed Shooters vs forfeit (1) MSK.Marlboro Court 1
(formerly CJB)
2 Timber Lane
Marlboro, NJ
Sun Mar 23 8:00 PM Sparks vs Washed Shooters MSK_Manalapan Court 4
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Thu Mar 27 8:35 PM Kristens Team vs Toon Squad MSK_Manalapan Court 6
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ

Image result for who will be the champion

Playoff Schedule

Each Division Winner will receive Championship T-shirts

Day Date Time Location
Wed Apr 2 9:05 PM Toon Squad vs Kristens Team MSK_Manalapan Court 5
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Thu Apr 10 8:35 PM Championship Game vs Washed Shooters MSK_Manalapan Court 1
(formerly Sportika)
150 Woodward Rd
Manalapan, NJ
Championship Game


Team Record
Washed Shooters* 6-1
Toon Squad* 5-2
Kristens Team* 3-4
Sparks 2-5
Alyssas Team 1-7


*clinched playoffs


-Teams are seeded based on winning percentage.

-If teams end with the same winning percentage, then the following tiebreakers will be applied:

1. Winning percentage between all tied teams.

2. Winning percentage vs highest ranked common opponent, based on opponent winning percentage, regardless of what division they are in.  Tiebreaker reverts back to head-to-head at any time, if applicable.

3. Winning percentage within division

4. Winning percentage vs highest division, then 2nd division, etc

5. Coin Flip.

note: All tournament games played within the current season against other league teams will NOT count towards each team's league record, but those games WILL count towards the tiebreakers.

No Show Policy:  teams failing to show up for a scheduled game without notification may be ineligible for the Playoffs


***************VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ **************************************

Code of Conduct

All coaches, players, parents and spectators shall conduct themselves in an orderly and professional manner. Everyone shall show respect and good sportsmanship toward players, coaches, spectators, officials and MJBL staff at all times. Physically assaulting, punching, verbally abusing, cursing, derogatory comments and/or threatening any player, coach, official, parent, spectator or MJBL staff is strictly prohibited. 

Any individual violating the Code of Conduct are subject to penalties:

  1. Written warning
  2. 1 game suspension

- If a player or coach gets 2 technical fouls, an automatic ejection from the game and automatic suspension for the next game (& possibly more).

- If a parent or fan steps on the court to challenge a referee, player or coach, that individual will be ejected from the gym and automatic suspension for the next game (& possibly more).

  1. Multiple game suspension

- If a punch is thrown, an automatic ejection from the game and minimum 3 game suspension.

  1. 1 year suspension
  2. Life time ban


Games ended by the Referees because of Misconduct

If a game is called early by the referee due to misconduct by both teams, the game will result in a loss for both teams.


Spectator Code of Conduct

Spectators should NEVER address the referees.  It doesn't matter if you think the referee is out of position or makes a bad call. It is exclusively up to the coach to respectfully address the referees. If a spectator disrespectfully addresses a referee, that team's coach will be subject to the following penalties.

1. After the first offense, the referee will give a warning to the coach and it is the coach's responsibility to make sure their spectators are aware of the warning and the potential penalties if the behavior continues.

2. If it happens again from any spectator on that team (it does not have to be the same individual), the referee will issue a technical foul to the coach.  Again, it is the coach's responsibility to make the spectators aware of why the technical was issued and make them aware of the potential penalties if the behavior continues.

3. If it happens a 3rd time from any spectator on that team (again, it does not have to be the same individual), the game will end and it will be declared a forfeit loss for the offending team, regardless of the time remaining or the current score.


Referee Code of Conduct

Referees should NEVER address spectators.  If a referee has an issue with a spectator, they should follow the guidelines above and issue the warnings and technical fouls to the coach, without speaking to the spectators.

If a referee disrespectfully addresses a spectator or coach, the referee will NOT be paid for that game and may face suspension from future games.


Post Game Code of Conduct

Once the game ends, there is absolutely no reason to continue to argue or berate a referee, coach or opposing parent.  Any spectator that approaches a referee, coach, staff member or other spectator in an aggressive, threatening or disrespectful manner after a game will be automatically suspended for at least 1 game.




There will be NO refund or credit for any missed games due to suspension                                                                                               

It is the responsibility of each team Manager(s) and/or Head Coach to review the Code of Conduct with their players & parents prior to the start of the season.


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